Friday, October 16, 2009

Walking in a Winter Wonderland

So I get up this morning, and the first thing I see? A layer of white covering the tree tops outside my room. That's right, it snowed last night, and it's a winter wonderland out there! Except that there's barely any snow, so it's kind of gross. But who cares!

And today's Friday! Finally. This week, in spite of only being 3 days, seems to have lasted forever. Now what to write about... I'd write about snow, but I always write about weather. So instead I'll write about something that directly correlates to weather, but is not weather!

Here in Ithaca
Winter coats never become

By which I mean they can be worn practically year round. Ok, that was lame. I'm tired. I was up late song writing.

Topic change!

I have decided to change my rating system (Sorry to those whoa re fans of Shakespeare cred) to something more new-user-friendly, because it occurred to me that not everyone will have read that one post, and so they might not understand it. But worry not, for I shall change it to a bad pun, and you will be content. Bleh, my post this afternoon shall be better.

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