Saturday, October 17, 2009

Mind your Meat Manners

I know that I said that I was planning on getting waffles, but there was an unfortunate chain of events which led to me being waffle deprived. By which I mean I arrived at the dining hall too late and the waffle machines were closed down (insert frowney face here). Not only were the waffle makers out of commission... no, to add salt to the wound, the Asian station and the main food station were closed down as well! In fact, the only place open was the grill, where they make burgers and chicken. Only problem was, there was a gigantic line (needless to say I was forced to eat cereal). This fact brings me to my haiku, which is riddled with anger considering my situation.

There really should be
A "take one and come back" rule
For the grill station

Ok, now I know that athletes have the appetite of a midsized cow or small horse, and as a result need to have about 50 burgers to be satisfied (Oh the irony of that comparison). But c'mon- If there is a line of about 10 hungry people, waiting for grilled chicken sandwiches (which is usually the case), and ten grilled chicken breasts are put out, one has no right to take half of those, even if they are first in line. LEARN MANNERS. Just because you are at an Ivy League institution does not give you the right to take other people's opportunities (that's for after you graduate). So please, take a burger, let other people eat, and come back later to feed your selfishness. Thank you.

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