Thursday, October 15, 2009

It's Raining Snow

I know that I promised to avoid talking about the weather, but I just can't avoid it right now. For any of you not in Ithaca, it's snowing! Well, snowing as in raining snowflakes as in slush. But snowing nonetheless! While snow might suck to some, I personally welcome it, as I prefer snow over rain. This shift brings me to my haiku, which I have yet to think of...

You know that you're in
Ithaca when it starts to
Snow in October

That's right, we really do not have fall here. Summer skips right to winter pretty much, and winter is more or less half of the year. It's like the North or South pole. Except not dark. And without polar bears or penguins. Although that would be cool. Except then every student would need to carry a spear around with them to defend themselves from polar bear attacks. And we could domesticate penguins. I'm pretty sure that penguins could survive here anyways, I mean, we are having wolves to Appel tonight (but actually... at 7:30 in the multipurpose room, there will be wolves. Be there).

1 comment:

  1. its supposed to snow here tomorrow.
    and by here i mean Weston/Framingham
    damn northern weather.
