Tuesday, December 22, 2009

A Carefree Christmas (though this is an oxymoron...)

It's Tuesday! Last night was the finale of The Sing-Off and it was epic. The group I had hoped would win, Tufts University's "The Beelzebubs," did not win, and the group that I expected to win, "Nota," did win. It was disappointed, but satisfying at the same time- because though I was upset, I was also right. And being right is always nice. That's it for the news. If you could call it news.

With this post, I have decided to take a break from blog-posting for a little bit. Christmas is coming up quickly, followed by New Year's, so it's hard to find time between friends and family. Plus, it's difficult to find topics while not at college. And Jon Stewart's on hiatus, making things even harder. I'll be back some time after New Year's, so do not fret. Also, be sure to check back for a new song posting at some point soon. I'm trying to create a song pertaining to a certain upcoming holiday. I'll also have another one to post later hopefully. That is if my piano's acoustics work alright for recording on my sad little Macbook's mic.

Is a five syllable word
For "utopia"

Now, don't get me wrong- college is far from perfect. However, it is about as close to perfect as many can get in this society. Being at college is being inside of a bubble, with its own air supply (so you don't suffocate. Unless you're premed, then you're transferred to the pressure cooker). You have your own place to stay, you're finally free from home, you have great non-home food (well, this is of course dependent on where you attend), and you're cut off from most of the problems in the world. You can spread your wings and fly. Assuming that you're not scared of heights. It can be a daunting and stressful experience, but at the same time provides for the student a moment in their lives where all of the pieces of useless information they learned in high school can come together (except for Trigonometry... that's still useless). So for those of you who are hating college- try to enjoy it, knowing that these will probably be the best years of your life (Again though, unless you're premed).

And with, I bid you a carefree Christmas, a nonchalant New Year's, a blithe Boxing Day, and a pretty and politically-correct other holiday. I'm sorry if you were expecting a more epic post for the start of my hiatus, but you're going to have to just deal. And chances are I'll think of some new material over the break, so expect a nice return.

Monday, December 21, 2009

"Everyone's a little bit racist"

It's Monday! And I barely noticed because I'm on vacation! If it wasn't for the little thingy in the top right hand corner of my computer screen, I swear I would not be able to keep track of the date.

Christmas is coming up quickly! Have you finished your shopping yet? Chances are, the answer to that question is no, in which case you should be out shopping right now. Christmas eve is meant for sitting by the fireplace, not for finding last-minute presents at your local Target. Unless you're not Christian. Then you can do whatever the hell you want. May I recommend not shopping.

Today, while perusing the world wide webs, I stumbled upon an entertaining picture. It shows all of the auto-complete choices Google offers for certain searches. If you look, you'll see something that I have always thought true: people are racist. They might not even be trying to be racist, and yet turn out to be. For instance, they could be saying something kind, such as "British people are always so polite," but they're still backing racial stereotypes. In sociology, we discussed ethnicity and online dating. Apparently, there are two groups of racist people on those sites. The "white supremacists," who look to date other whites, and another group (whose name I can't recall) who like to explore their options in terms of race (the third group is those who don't specify about race). The second group, believe it or not, turns out to be more stereotype-enforcing. They'll have profiles saying things such as "looking for exotic Japanese woman" or "need a black male to add flavor to my life." With these, they are labeling and stereotyping without even meaning to (most of them are probably blond). With that, I shall put forth my haiku:

Is the "For Dummies" approach
To racist remarks

I mean, they're just so easy to pull out on people. I'd post a few, but I don't wish to offend any parties, although chances are that none of my readers are Asian, since they're too busy studying. As an all-so-true Onion article once stated: "Stereotypes Are A Real Time-Saver." If you're going to be racist, try to come up with something a bit more clever. Insulting me for being frugal or unable to jump is just weak. If you really want to be racist, show your knowledge of history. Say something like "well my ancestors didn't surrender to the French in the 100 years war." Now that's racist. In fact, I take offense at that- so don't go spewing such slanders to my face.

Title comes from the Avenue Q song.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Don't Thirst and Facebook

There's finally snow here! It started snowing around midnight last night, and has not ceased since then. It's beautiful outside. And now I don't need to worry about scooping up the dog poop littered around the yard. Yay for snow!

It would seem fitting for me to talk about snow now, since it is actually snowing- but that's exactly what they want. No, I will not talk about snow, no matter how much the front page of all of the news sites pressure me.

Today, I found a rather hilarious list of "fails" on Facebook. I would suggest looking at it, especially before reading the remainder of this post.

Now, that list, if you didn't read it, has a number of hilarious posts by stupid and/or naive people. To that effect, I've taken to write a haiku regarding this issue.

If you're on Facebook,
I would highly recommend
You try to be smart

The number of stupid people on Facebook is sort of astounding. Examples can be found in that article, but also can be found just by going to your home page on Facebook. For instance, people who post pictures of themselves blatantly drinking alcohol while they are friends with their parents on Facebook. Or people who let any other person get on their Facebook, and those people end up changing the statuses to ridiculous things. Facebook is really the perfect way to eliminate any dignity one might have, and it can come with just one stupid status update or wall-post. So I would urge all my readers to be careful, and to remember one piece of advice: Don't thirst and Facebook.