Monday, October 12, 2009

A New Pair of Plastics

Well today is my last full day back here in beautiful Weston. I take the bus back to Ithaca tomorrow. I am looking forward to getting back, but will also miss home. Well, now that I've gotten that out of the way, what to write about... think, think, think (I'm pondering for those of you unaware). Well, yesterday I went to the glasses store within Costco in order to pick out a new pair of glasses (my current ones are about 6 years old, and do me almost no good)... and I have no idea where I'm going with this post... But yeh, so I'm going back tomorrow and getting a new prescription and then ordering glasses, which hopefully will work well for me. I'm aiming for that "I have glasses and I'm PROUD of it" look, rather than that "look at me, I look like a sophisticated douchebag!" look. Which brings me to my haiku, which I will think of on the spot...

It's strange that people
With glasses don't want them and
Those without them do

I am satisfied with how that turned out. When I say this, I mean how people with glasses almost always wear contact lenses, for one reason or another. And yet, there are people who do not have any eye problems whatsoever but still decide to wear glasses (usually made out of plastic, so shouldn't they be called "plastics"?) which serve no purpose other than to look "cool" even though those with glasses wear contact lenses for the same reason. Wow this is getting wordy. If you don't think people wear glasses for cosmetic purposes, just take a look at the number of people in the entertainment industry who wear them as such (for instance, Kanye or Kid Cudi or many other famous people).

Maybe now people with glasses will stop being so damned embarrassed about wearing them, and wear them more often (I am astounded by the number of people who wear contacts). If asked, they can simply say "nah, they're purely cosmetic, cause I'm cool like that." On the other hand, if someone notices their contacts, they have no excuse! Bleh.

Random thing I noticed! Apparently "8:51 aM" is recognized by blogger as being an "illegal post time." Uh oh, better not let them catch me.


  1. Um, I want glasses. All boys look sexier with glasses. Nerdhot is the best hot.

  2. Haha I thought you'd appreciate this post. I did end up getting new glasses today. They won't arrive for a bit though.
