Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Facebook is the Opiate of the People

Well, I wish I could say that it's another beautiful day, but sadly- it's not. The weather outside looks like some 8 year old's massive-Ithaca-scale vinegar and baking soda volcano gone horribly wrong. But don't worry, I'm not here to talk to you about the weather. Although I'm not yet sure what to talk about.

Today is Wednesday, and if you are a returning reader, that means it's waffle Wednesday! Although if you're a new reader I suppose that it's still waffle Wednesday.

I know this is a little overdue, but if you're on Facebook, you've probably noticed that the layout has been changed yet again. This is not because of it being easier to use, or easier to program, or any sort of convenience. And here's my haiku:

Facebook changes its
Layout simply because it's
Cruel and sadistic

That's right, I said it. The new Facebook is not about convenience or improving Facebook or anything. It's all about controlling the masses. Facebook knows that it can, so it does. It's as simple as that. It knows that even if it changed its name to Assbook, changed it so that users had to use their tongues to input the data (not sure how they'd do this, but they could find a way), and changed the language to text-speak with a collection of impossible-to-read excuses for words (although I guess that's already happened), people would still use it. It's all a conspiracy I tell you! Congress pays Facebook so that it preps our youth for accepting defeat later in life! Generation X wouldn't stand for this, and neither should we! Rather than boycott Facebook, which seems like the logical thing to do, I vote that everyone angst about it as much as possible and hope that the angst somehow wears off on the overall Facebook mainframe until it miraculously turns back to normal. So pretty much just keep doing what you're doing.

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