Monday, October 26, 2009

Crush Their Spines

I have a confession to make.

When autumn finally comes around (if you could even say that Ithaca has a fall), I like to jump on dry leaves. I know, I know: It's amazing. Some may say that it's childish. Some may say that it's just plain silly. Others may say that its a metaphor for oppression and race-based discrimination, but I think those people would be reading too deeply into it. In any case, it's incredibly fun, and that's all that matters. When you live in a world with 6 month winters, its a good idea to take advantage of the short and sweet things autumn brings (by sweet, I don't mean taste... leaves are not especially tasty. Well, dead leaves that is... by which I mean crispy and brown. That took me a while to rule out lettuce). I guess what I'm trying to say is no, I take absolutely no shame in crushing fallen leaves with all of my might without a metaphorical meaning in it (all of you psych majors out there, please stop psychoanalyzing me. Thank you). Now, for my haiku:

Jump on fallen leaves,
Drink cider, carve your pumpkins,
Make good use of fall

That's right, I am encouraging you to get out there and enjoy fall while you can. Before you know it, snow will be here and you'll wonder why you didn't get a chance to drink your unfair share of cider from the dining halls (no wonder they run out each weekend); carve horrible, indecent, and occasionally offensive jack o' lanterns to place on your porch; or step on every crumbling leaf and pretend that you're crushing the spines of all of those who have done you wrong in life (not that I do that). So stop reading this, and go outside! Unless of course you're reading this at night, or if it's cold outside. Or if it's not fall right now where you are.

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