Sunday, September 20, 2009

Avoiding Sociology

Now, as I am in the middle of studying for my first Soc. exam, would be an ideal time for me to post one of my various haikus pertaining to sociology. However, I have decided to post something completely unrelated (even though everything is somehow related) to sociology (put that in your pipe and smoke it, Comte!).


I have, in fact, decided to choose a random haiku quite related to sociology depending on how you look at it.

Let me just say that
If zombies burst through my door
I would be prepared

Jack Thompson may call video games the devil, and the source of all evil in this world, but when he is the first to go in the zombie apocalypse the joke will be on him! While I do not have a shotgun or salt (that one's for you Mariah) in my possession here in Dickson, I feel like I would be adequately prepared merely from my massive amount of experience in the video game department. Also, the layout of Dickson is such that it would be tricky for the zombies to get here in the first place (plus everyone knows that they would go after the new dorms first... more doubles make for a 2-for-1 deal). Now, this is of course an incredibly unlikely event and- *yoink*

"Theo, I'm really happy for you and imma let you finish, but I am one of the best zombie fighters of all time. OF ALL TIME"

We all knew that was coming. Of course, it was a little later then could be expected, but the element of surprise comes in handy, and this was about as random as Kayne West's interruption, albeit not quite as jackass-y (that was off the record). This interweb meme will be around for a while methinks. And seriously, I think we all know that Taylor Swift would be an early target of the zombie infestation. And let's face the facts: If she becomes a zombie, Kanye is going down, regardless of how good a zombie fighter he is.