Saturday, January 30, 2010

But I AM a Ninja

It's Saturdayyyy! The weekend!

For most of this week, it's been Ithaca-cold (I'd say freezing cold, but it would be an understatement). Today, there is frost on the inside of my windows- so I'm guessing that it probably hasn't gotten much warmer. I personally wouldn't be too bothered by the cold if it weren't for the fact that my face and esophagus both freeze when exposed to the cold. This brings me to my haiku, which happens to be in the form of a question (and vice versa):

Is it possible
To keep your face warm without
Looking like a tool?

I mean, if you want to keep your face warm, you have a few options: You can wear a full face mask, and be mistaken for that bank robber who is on the run; you can wear a ski mask with goggles, and everyone will think you're that same robber, but with a vision problem; you can wear a scarf around the lower half of your face and look like you're trying to be from the wild west; you can wear a balaclava and look like you're very lost; a ninja mask and look crazy; a biker's helmet and look like you got your head stuck; or a riot mask. All of these options are less appealing than the next (unless you happen to be a ninja), and it leaves you with very few options of keeping warm. My personal favorite is pulling a Don Zimmer and keeping my head down (while hopefully not running into people). In any case, I would really like to find some sort of alternative that doesn't look absolutely ridiculous. Let me know.

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