Friday, January 29, 2010

Sandy Loam

It's Friday! Yay!

The first week of classes is passed, and only something like 13 or 14 more are left in the semester! I personally have been enjoying my classes thus far. They're all really interesting, but perhaps the best part is that all of my teachers are incredibly invested in what they teach, be it word etymology, decadence, American studies, or the sociology of health. This bring me to my haiku:

A boring topic
Can become awesome if the
Professor is good

Really. You might have an interesting topic and a bad professor, in which case the professor can kill the topic for you. However, if you have a great professor and the most boring of topics, it can become awesome. You have no idea how exciting something like dirt can be when the teacher enjoys it ("see this?! This is sandy-fricking-loam! Can you believe it?!?!!) . And if you have classes that are already interesting, for instance, any of the classes I'm taking- it becomes even better when the professors are good. In two of my classes yesterday, the professors had to halt discussions in the middle of them, due to going over time. Although, I suppose it's not all the professor's doing- considering that classes can be horrible if the people in the class are boring. Why am I going on about this. This post sucks. The end.

1 comment:

  1. Dude, my professor makes tax law interesting. I mean, that's when you know it's a good professor.
