Monday, January 25, 2010

Down down down down down down down down

Well, it's been a long and fun break- but I am now returned (that last "e" should have one of those backwards accents on it) to college. Which means I can find inspiration again. Hopefully. And maybe I will be able to think of things to write about again.

I must say, over my break I have been missing this blog. Of course, I've still been tweeting, but it's not the same. I have taken time to write a few songs, but it's hard to write them when I don't have my synthesizer. I could do it on our acoustic piano, but then it might be mistaken for real music, and we couldn't have that- could we? One of the songs I wrote is a rap song, except it's actually serious. So the only entertaining part of it would be laughing at my inability to rap. Although I do have some pretty damn good similes in there, if I do say so myself.

If you really think about it, rap is poetry. It has rhythm, rhyme, and use of literary devices, such as similes, similes, and more similes. Oh, and repetition. This device is usually used with specific words. Mainly "baby," "shawty," or "girl." It is not rare for repetition to be so pronounced that a song is comprised of nothing but one word. For instance, Jay Sean's song "Down," which is pretty much like singing any other song but replacing every single word of it with "down" (the title of this post is actually the chorus of the song. And the bridge. And every other part).

To me, there is really only one important characteristic which separates rap and poetry.

The diff'rence between
Rap and poetry is that
Poets don't get shot

Really, you hear about it in the news every day: Some rapper got shot. It comes as no surprise. However, you rarely hear about poets getting shot. Imagine if Emerson had shot Dickinson for something she said in one of her poems. Now that would have been news. I'm pretty sure the last poetry-related killing was Christopher Marlowe, who apparently was too intellectual for his own good. Rappers probably don't need to worry about that problem.

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