Friday, February 5, 2010


Annnnnnnnnnd it's finally Friday! Bet you weren't expecting that, were you? I certainly wasn't.

If you can't tell, I'm still having writer's block. Which is a little strange, since I thought that writer's block only affects real writers. Apparently I was wrong.

I'm pretty sure that my lack of inspiration comes from lack of procrastination. You see, it's kind of unfortunate- I actually have free time it would seem. Last semester, I had practically no time, so when I procrastinated, I would actually be putting off work. Now, I'm able to finish my work and then feel like I'm just killing time instead of properly procrastinating. I know that soon enough I'll have plenty of work, but for now it's just a lot of reading. Or maybe the weather is just causing me problems. Who knows.

To inspire me, I decided to look at my document I have with a bunch of random haikus. I came across one which I found rather entertaining looking back:

Writer's block for the
Haiku writer would be the
Same thing as blindness

What a joke that was. I wrote that on one day when I was feeling especially inspired. I wrote about 4 pages of haikus that day, and would just see something and then write a haiku about it. Now, when I see that I see how naive I was. It's interesting how things like that become harder, as opposed to easier, over time. For instance, I'm writing a screenplay for fun. I wrote the first episode, and then suddenly had more difficulty. I started writing fake factoids, and then after getting two pages I hit a wall as well. I started writing songs but then hit a wall. It seems like I keep starting enterprises but hitting a wall. Although I suppose that's what life is.

On that note, have a good Friday!

Also, I'd like to take this time to announce that I'm going to attempt to maybe design t-shirts or something. Please comment on this post or let me know if you think there's something I said that's especially t-shirt-worthy.

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