Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Products Entitled Nincompoopedly In Society

Good lord! It's Tuesday already? Where did the week go. If only I could say that. But I can't. So there.

I learned something interesting yesterday. "Canola" is from an abbreviation. This explains the lack of a "canola tree" or anything of that type where the oil comes from. The full name for it is "Canadian Oil Low Acid," which is meant to promote its good qualities. So why exactly don't they just name it after the plant? You might ask. Well, there's pretty good reason for it.

If a product name
Makes it sound illegal, you
Should rethink your plan

The reason that canola oil isn't named after its plant, is because the plant is called the "rape plant," which grows from a "rape seed." Which means that the oil would be called "rape oil," which probably would not sell too well, if I had to guess (I can think of a number of possible misconstrued meanings for that). So there's a couple morals to this story. First of all, don't name a plant after something that would make people not want to plant it (keep that plant away from kids!), no matter how innocent your intentions may have been. Second, try to do the same with products. So, if you're gonna make a type of energy drink, I would recommend not calling it "Reinvigorating And Propelling Energy Drink."

And no, there's no hidden irony in my title.

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