Monday, March 1, 2010

I Spy Stupid Wasteful Spending With My Little Eye

You know, there's something perverse about our priorities here at Cornell. Last night, while walking across the Arts Quad I realized something. Looking to my right into Goldwin Smith, I noticed that I could see into each and every classroom. Why? Because the light in each and every classroom was on. I turned to my left, looked into White Hall, the same thing. In front of me, in Sibley, the same thing. All around me, the building were lit up as if partaking in a Christmas festival. And this is on a Sunday night. Here was my reaction:

Cutting arts funding
Just seems silly when you can
See wasteful spending

If I can physically use my eyes, and say "we don't need to be spending money there," it seems like that should be the first place we cut down on funding. Oh, and in case you didn't know- Cornell is talking about majorly cutting funding to Theatre, Film, and Dance. For a school that already is weak in the arts, that really seems like shooting ourselves in the foot. Just because the school is good academically, doesn't mean it can't be strong in the arts. Just take a look at Yale (and yes, I know that they get no tail). Fantastic theatre program, fantastic music conservatory, and fantastic academics. You can't say that about Cornell. Sure, we have a great hockey team, but it's not the same.

If you want to help, take a look here:

Also, I'd like to point out the fact that as soon as the article in the Sun came out saying "decline of Swine Flu," the school took away our Purell. Now that's what I call taking good care of your students (and an unfortunate occurence for germaphobes)..

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