Sunday, February 28, 2010

Ice Forts

It's Sunday, but I probably don't have to tell you that. Tomorrow is classes again, which is a shame because I've barely had a chance to play in the snow.

Yesterday afternoon, there were a few college kids in the courtyard building amazing forts. First, they piled up a mass of snow, dug inside, and made themselves a little shelter that fits three people. Then, I guess they decided that it wasn't epic enough (which it totally was), and they decided to make an igloo. So, using dorm room recycling bins (incredibly resourceful if you ask me), they build one up, with an arch, a keystone, and everything. I'd attach a picture, except apparently it collapsed. In any case, it was truly amazing, and it made me realize something:

Funny how igloos
Are built for survival or
With too much free time

Think about it. If you're building an igloo, one of two things is happening. Either you're trapped in the wilderness (or in my case at one point, trapped on a Boy Scout trip) and are building an igloo to survive the night without freezing, or you have way too much time on your hands. In case of the latter (the more likely of the two), it is actually a good way to spend your time (hard work that your dad could never pay you to do (shoveling) becomes fun!) and the outcome makes it all worth it (providing it doesn't fall over). And at least it's more productive than a snow penis (usually people who build these just have too free time- it has little to do with survival).

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