Saturday, November 14, 2009

Vlog Entry 4! Stupak and Moon-water

New vlog post is up! This one covers some current events, and my point of view is a little objective- so please don't watch if you might be offended by a pro-choice view or by anything relating to moon-water.



  1. In case you didn't know the former laws, the Hyde Amendment ALSO prohibits the use of federal money to go to abortions. The Stupak Amendment simply applies the Hyde Amendment to the new Health Care Reform bill, whose pool from which it draws money is different from the pool which the Hyde Amendment covers. So, the Stupak Amendment is nothing new, it's been the status quo since 1976. Get over it. I don't understand why everyone's so upset over something that's been in place for 33 years.

    Additionally, abortion is an elective surgery. I don't know about you, but I don't want my taxes going to some woman in Alabama who wants a nose job. The Stupak Amendment CLEARLY states that if a condition puts the woman at a serious health risk if she had a baby, federal money can be used for an abortion.

    Last time I checked, poor people can't spend as much money as rich people. That's just kinda how things are, unfortunately. Medical bills suck. If your family is fortunate enough to not have an enormous pile of medical bills to pay, good for you. But that's not the case for most of the people I know. Women can still get abortions, they just have to actually pay for them themselves (which, again, has been the case since 1976).

    So while you are against the killing of kittens, pandas, and elephants (which is good), killing defenseless unborn human babies is fine? Makes perfect sense. Good thing your parents didn't feel the same way about you 19 years ago.

  2. Oh, and I don't know if you've heard of it, but there's this magical invention known as "adoption" that a) allows the mother to live her life sans baby and b) allows the baby to live. I know, I know, I'm such a horrible person to expect a mother to carry around her baby for nine months in exchange for a human to live, but I thought it seemed to be a pretty fair trade. I know my cousins and a few very close friends, all of whom were adopted, appreciate the fact that their mothers did not think as you do.
