Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Labor Day indeed

I am a horrible person.

Well, not really- but I have neglected to properly keep up my blog. My plan had been to post when I actually had something to say, rather than forcing myself to say something. So far that hasn't exactly worked, as I've found myself rarely having anything to say. I would reassure you that I'm trying to change this, but I can make no promises.

You see, I'm super busy this semester. I have my usual clubs and extracurriculars, but my classes are far more rigorous than they were last semester. Also, I have been trying to do more work on my songs. I have about 5 mostly completed ones at this point, though I will not be posting them online until they are in a presentable state (aka when they have good singing). I am quite proud of them though.

Yesterday was Labor Day, and, in a history-making choice, we had a significant holiday off! As a result though, irony was unavoidable, since it was a three day weekend. Allow me to elaborate in a poetic haiku (bet you didn't see that coming):

There's nothing quite like
Observing Labor Day by
Spending it working.

Yep, the entire day was spent doing homework. A holiday well spent.

In other news, this in my blog's 1 year anniversary.

I shall try to bring updates more often. But actually. Really. Sorry. Fin.

Oh, and also- if you happen to miss me between posts- check out my Twitter accounts:

http://twitter.com/Teowulf  (my normal account)

http://twitter.com/FictFacts (where I make up fun facts)

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