Saturday, February 20, 2010

Theeeeeyyyyyyy're Great!

It's the weekend! And yesterday Tiger Woods gave a press conference, publicly apologizing for his poor judgment (and seeking more attention, of course). My thoughts?

I really can't stand Tiger Woods. My respect for him had nothing to do with his golf abilities, and was based solely on how he treated his wife. Now, there’s just nothing left… I really don’t understand the big deal that is STILL going on about Tiger. I mean, really. He cheated, we get it. He’s a lying and sneaksy feline, we get that too. But come on, really.

No one would be left
To run our country if we
Killed off all cheaters

Think about it. If we were to force everyone cheating on a spouse into a 1 year break like Tiger is doing, there would be no one left in Washington, no one to play any sport, no one to run late night talk shows, and no one to make movies for us. So seriously, lay off Tiger. And I know that though his name may suggest otherwise- he’s only human, like the rest of us.

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