Friday, April 23, 2010

Earth Day Fail

Well, it's the day after Earth Day. Yes, I know I probably should have done an Earth Day post, but I felt yesterday's topic was a more pressing issue.

I'll get right into my haiku, to make up for the length of yesterday's post:

Earth Day is the day
To do stuff that you should do
Normally, but don't.

I mean really. We shouldn't need a specific holiday to encourage people to throw their recycling in the recycling bin instead of the trash can right next to it. We shouldn't need a holiday to tell you to not leave your cell phone charger plugged in 24/7. We shouldn't need a holiday to tell you to take slightly shorter showers, or anything for that matter. All of the power-saving tips that are forced upon you on Earth Day shouldn't need to be forced upon you, they should be part of your lives. Yes, I know people are lazy, but still.

If you treat Earth Day like a single day and do the aforementioned things, you're doing it wrong. Earth Day should be about going above and beyond the call of duty. Today, if you're not doing the same environmentally friendly things you were doing yesterday, you fail at Earth Day. That's all there is to it.


  1. Says the guy who was going to throw away his smoothie cup because it was "too much effort" to wash it out and recycle it. Scoff.

    AWESOME video games post, btw.

  2. Hey, I recycled it. I had thrown it out because I didn't know it was recyclable.
