Sunday, December 13, 2009

Fly me to the Moon

Well, it's Sunday. Not that it matters, though I do have a final tomorrow.

It's a hideous day out. It's not often that I wish it were colder here in Ithaca (it's usually plenty cold enough), but today I would really like if it were 2 or 3 degrees lower? Why? Because it's 33 degrees, and as a result it's raining. If it were colder, it would be snowing, which is infinitely better than the wetter, grosser alternative.

As I said before, I have a final tomorrow. I'm not really worried about it though. Why? Because my professor understands the world, and the exam is not cumulative (a stupid practice, as I described in Thursday's post).

So yesterday, as most of you probably knew, it was my birthday. I had an epic cookie pizza, which is pretty much a full sized pizza, except it's a cookie. With peanut butter cups on it. Deliciousness. Also, as part of the celebration, my girlfriend and I turned my entire room into a fort, and proceeded to watch Spaceballs: The Movie in it (sadly, I did not have any "Spaceballs: The Sheet" sheets to use for it (that was a movie reference)). In any case, the fort was absolutely epic, I can assure you. Actually, I can do more than assure you- I can give you actual photo documentation:

Is was absolutely amazing. And I know I use that phrase a lot, but in this scenario it is 'specially relevant (I felt like putting an apostrophe in place of the "e" in "especially." Sue me). Now for my haiku:

One never outgrows
A fort or cardboard box with
Age, only with size

When I am 60, I would not be the least bit surprised if I made a fort. I will always be young enough at heart to make epic sheet forts or turn a cardboard box into a spaceship. It's just a question of whether or not I will be too big to fit into them. I could see myself buying a refrigerator in the future based on whether or not the box will be spacious enough for me to use as I wish.

The title is in reference to the classic song, but also to the fact that flying to the moon is precisely what I do in cardboard boxed. Or something along those lines.

1 comment:

  1. i miss you both. that's just awesome! Glad you had an entertaining bday full of treats!!
